General Online Training FAQ's

I'm having trouble logging into my account.

Be sure you are typing in the username/password exactly as you did when registering your account. Your username and password is case sensitive, so check to make sure the Caps Lock button isn’t on. 

Make sure you’ve confirmed your account through the link that was sent to you when you signed up. 

If you’ve forgotten your password, you can recover it here.

Will I have instant access to the course?

Yes, once you have completed the registration process you will receive an email with your login information. You may want to check your “junk folder” if you do not see it right away. 

Will my progress be saved?

Yes, all course progress, as well as past courses taken, are connected to your account. You can access digital badges, wallet cards and certificates through your profile. If you have any trouble, just ask our support team via email or our live chat.

What happens if I fail the course?

You can't fail a course. It is set up as a self paced training course. Each module has a test, and if you do not pass the test, you will be asked to review the module again and then you can re-challenge the module test. You cannot move onto a new module until you have successfully completed the module test. There is no limit to the number of times you can challenges each module test.